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Cobuns are friendly units that can be gained when the player uses the Fall In Command while a Placeholder.pngChorus is near. They will listen to rhythm commands issued by the player. Cobuns have multiple variations, with each being themed after a Ratatan and carrying its respective weapon type.

Types of Cobuns

Cobuns take the form of the Ratatan which converts them. This also determines what their role is, as well as their

Harigittan Cobun

A cobun which resembles HarigittaniconHarigittan. They wield swords and shields.

Nyandola Cobun

A cobun which resembles NyandolaiconNyandola. They wield spears.

Mimizukyun Cobun

A cobun which resembles MimizukyuniconMimizukyun. They wield bows.

Keroronpa Cobun

A cobun which resembles KeroronpaiconKeroronpa. Supposedly, they wield bombs but have not been seen in-game yet.

Pyokorappa Cobun

A cobun which resembles PyokorappaiconPyokorappa. It is currently unknown what weapon they use.

Buttonda Cobun

A cobun which resembles ButtondaiconButtonda. It is currently unknown what weapon they use.

Mashuma Cobun

A cobun which resembles MashumaiconMashuma. They wield scythes.

Platypus Cobun

A cobun which resembles Placeholder.pngPlatypus. It is currently unknown what weapon they use.



  • Cobuns can be seen wielding instruments in concept art instead of weapons.
  • MashumaiconMashuma's Cobuns had their weapon decided in a community vote between scythes, katanas and crossbows.